Letter From Birmingham City Jail

Martin Luther King Jr. is a man that every person should aspire to be. Dr. King fought for what he believed in, in a peaceful manner, and changed the lives of millions of people today. Racial segregation was rampant in Birmingham Alabama, and Martin Luther King Jr. was determined to put an end to it. When King led his non-violent protest in Birmingham, he was arrested and thrown into jail, for “parading without a permit,” although that probably was not the real reason for being thrown in jail.

While in jail, Dr. King read a statement from the local paper written by white clergymen stating that blacks should just put up with their horrible situation. Dr. King, outraged, wrote an in-length letter in response, “Letter from Birmingham City Jail.” In the letter, Dr. King explains how blacks cannot just put up with this treatment anymore and the change needs to happen now. They have waited long enough, people always telling them to wait because it’s inconvenient. Sure, progress and growth can be uncomfortable for everyone, but that’s how it works. Just because white people want law and order and no social tension, it does not mean change for the black community should not happen. Dr. King states that if the clergymen knew how the blacks were being treated they would stop saying “wait” to protest. The blacks did not create this problem, they are just calling attention to it and should not have to wait any longer.

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